Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

My 1st #LoveLessonOfTheDay

Well, not exactly today.. But this has come to my mind this morning..

I do believe that to keep your love flame alive is to:
1. Cuddling each other before sleep and even when you're sleeping;
2. Kiss all of his face continuously; hehehe.

I always look forward to meet my husband in the end of the day, karena di otak tuh bawaannya udah pengen peluk2 terus sebelum tidur.. hihihi. I love marriage live! :))

2 komentar:

  1. mbak...saya bisa diinfoin gak untuk CP the box dan t
    empat pemesanan buku pengajian???butuh bgt ni mbak...plis infonya ya....

  2. Jadi pengen nikah hahahhahahahahaah kayaknya seru hahahha tapi kapan ya hahah
