Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

1st Checklist Review

Let's see how well I've done with my lists before my engagement day, shall we.. ;)

1. Cari bahan hantaran sama mamanya mas --> target: Minggu --> done!
2. Private Luluran di rumah :) --> target: Senin
3. Ke kampus, ngurus keperluan S2 --> target: Selasa
4. Ambil cincin kawin di Frank Duet --> target: at least Kamis deh Senin malah udah beres! ;)
5. Fitting Kebaya --> target: at least Rabu --> done!
6. Ambil Kebaya --> target: Jum'at --> done! sabtu sih.. mepet yah.. :P
7. Beres2 kamar!!!! --> target: Jum'at udah kinclong, sekinclong-kinclongnya!! :P --> super done!

Yak, luluran belom sempet sampe sekarang, padahal pengen banget.. Adaaaaa aja yg buat batal :((

Yang lebih terlalu lagi, urusan ke kampus super terbengkalai!! I really got to find time to finish all the education thingy.. Desperately got to!!

Sekarang, disamping mengejar target pendidikan, soal gedung juga harus fix by the end of this year, at least in the early January! Let's work our ass off!! ;)

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