Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

It's been 17 months already.. :)

Should have wrote this since this morning, but today's seminar has successfully keeping me busy with all the writing stuff! Ini aja curi2 waktu diantara makan siang dan sesi berikutnya.. hehe

Tadi subuh2 udah ada yg bbm "happy 17th month anniversary" hihihi. Yes, it is the 17th month we've been together ya Mas.. but why is it always feel new to me?? :)) Masih selalu berbunga2, masih deg2an, masih sering dikejutkan sama tingkah2nya, masih selalu merasakan jatuh cinta.. ;) Masih suka terkaget2 juga sama kebiasaan yang masih butuh penyesuaian satu sama lain.. But I know we can get through all of it and remain in love right Mas? I mean remain hugely in love.. hehehe.

Setiap pisah abis ketemuan (kan blm nikah, blom bisa barengan terus, paling lama sampe malem & harus pisah untuk tidur di rumah masing2.. hehehe) selalu ga sabar nunggu pertemuan berikutnya.. begitu terus berulang2..

Can't wait to see what life has to offer for us.. For this I'm certain insyaAllah, I'll be your lover and your bestfriend till death do us part. I love you.

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